
Introduction. Electronic devices (ED) are widespread among adolescents, filling their daily lives. The trend towards digitalization of all aspects of life is a global trend with the inevitable involvement of young people. The lack of existing preventive measures necessitates scientific research and intensification of work to promote a healthy lifestyle. Materials and methods. In 2019, an online survey was conducted of 200 schoolchildren in grades 9-11, 498 students in 1-6 courses, and 251 parents. In April 2020, an online survey was conducted of 1587 students of 1-6 classes and 500 parents. Measurements of physical factors were carried out at the Dolgoprudnenskaya gymnasium and the N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University. One thousand sixty-six schoolchildren and students were examined by an ophthalmologist with the help of the device “ARMISm”. Results. Negative tendencies in the state of the organ of vision, observed by students, are primarily associated with increased use of stationary and mobile ED in all age groups. Students use various ED in places with insufficient artificial illumination. In educational institutions, such places are corridors, halls, recreation, where students use their electronic devices. There are currently no separate requirements for artificial lighting by using information and communication technologies outside of classrooms or work premises. During the period of distance learning, schoolchildren and students have been established to use one more ED in comparison with the period of traditional education. The long-term effect of using mobile ED is still unknown. Conclusions. As a preventive hygienic measure for the protection of vision, it is recommended to use ED only in places with a good level of illumination, including artificial, with limited duration of continuous use of ED, with gymnastics for the eyes during breaks.

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