
In the topological classification of phase portraits no distinctions are made between a focus and a node and neither are they made between a strong and a weak focus or between foci of different orders. These distinction are however important in the production of limit cycles close to the foci in perturbations of the systems. The distinction between the one direction node and the two directions node, which plays a role in understanding the behavior of solution curves around the singularities at infinity, is also missing in the topological classification. In this work we introduce the notion of equivalence relation of singularities which incorporates these important purely algebraic features. The equivalence relation is finer than the one and also finer than the equivalence relation introduced in J_L. We also list all possibilities we have for singularities finite and infinite taking into consideration these finer distinctions and introduce notations for each one of them. Our long term goal is to use this finer equivalence relation to classify the quadratic family according to their different configurations of singularities, finite and infinite. In this work we accomplish a first step of this larger project. We give a complete global classification, using the equivalence relation, of the whole quadratic class according to the configuration of singularities at infinity of the systems. Our classification theorem is stated in terms of invariant polynomials and hence it can be applied to any family of quadratic systems with respect to any particular normal form. The theorem we give also contains the bifurcation diagram, done in the 12-parameter space, of the configurations of singularities at infinity, and this bifurcation set is algebraic in the parameter space. To determine the bifurcation diagram of configurations of singularities at infinity for any family of quadratic systems, given in any normal form, becomes thus a simple task using computer algebra calculations.

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