
We investigate the ways in which fundamental properties of the weak Bruhat order on a Weyl group can be lifted (or not) to a corresponding highest weight crystal graph, viewed as a partially ordered set; the latter projects to the weak order via the key map. First, a crystal theoretic analogue of the statement that any two reduced expressions for the same Coxeter group element are related by Coxeter moves is proven for all lower intervals $$[\hat{0},v]$$ in a simply or doubly laced crystal. On the other hand, it is shown that no finite set of moves exists, even in type A, for arbitrary crystal graph intervals. In fact, it is shown that there are relations of arbitrarily high degree amongst crystal operators that are not implied by lower degree relations. Second, for crystals associated to Kac–Moody algebras it is shown for lower intervals that the Mobius function is always 0 or ±1, and in finite type this is also proven for upper intervals, with a precise formula given in each case. Moreover, the order complex for each of these intervals is proven to be homotopy equivalent to a ball or to a sphere of some dimension, despite often not being shellable. For general intervals, examples are constructed with arbitrarily large Mobius function, again even in type A. Any interval having Mobius function other than 0 or ±1 is shown to contain within it a relation amongst crystal operators that is not implied by the relations giving rise to the local structure of the crystal, making precise a tight relationship between the Mobius function and these somewhat unexpected relations appearing in crystals. New properties of the key map are also derived. The key is shown to be determined entirely by the edge-colored poset-theoretic structure of the crystal, and a recursive algorithm is given for calculating it. In finite types, the fiber of the longest element of any parabolic subgroup of the Weyl group is also proven to have a unique minimal and a unique maximal element; this property fails for more general elements of the Weyl group.

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