
In September 2016, the largest-ever scientific assembly of entomologists will take place at the International Congress of Entomology (ICE) in Orlando, Florida. The 25th edition of the meeting is themed “Entomology without Borders” evidencing its purpose of connecting the largest delegation of scientists, experts, and students in the history of the discipline. This year's meeting will be hosted by the Entomological Society of America (ESA), the largest organization in the world serving the professional and scientific needs of entomologists and the general public. The 64th annual meeting of ESA will occur concomitantly with ICE 2016, creating a meeting that is likely to break all records, both in terms of the number and diversity of attendees and the breadth of topics covered. ICE meetings are held every four years in locations throughout the globe. The first ICE was held in Belgium in 1910, with subsequent meetings located mainly in Europe. The first ICE ever to be hosted by the United States was held at Cornell University, in Ithaca, NY in 1928. It was attended by about 600 delegates from 39 countries. The 15th ICE meeting in 1976 was located in Washington, D.C. and welcomed 2,315 attendees from 72 countries. ICE 2016 is slated to be the largest gathering of entomologists in history, with more than 6,500 delegates representing even more countries already registered, and likely more …

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