
From the Publisher Larry J. Wagenaar, Publisher On August 1, 2021, The Michigan Historical Review (MHR) moved from the Department of History at Central Michigan University (CMU) to the Historical Society of Michigan (HSM). While HSM had been distributing more than ninety percent of the paper copies of The Michigan Historical Review to its members who chose to receive it, and had participated in the journal's editorial committee, moving into the role of publisher was new to the organization. The Michigan Historical Review fits in well within the mission of the Society. HSM focuses on five main mission areas, one of which relates to historical publications. Many MHR readers are familiar with our two popular history magazines, Michigan History and Chronicle. The former is the among the largest circulating state history magazines in the United States. We also publish a curriculum for children titled Michigan History for Kids. Each of these magazines includes a variety of feature articles along with other content and is eagerly awaited by our readers in Michigan and well beyond. While the MHR has changed publishers, we are very pleased that longtime editor Dr. Lane Demas, who is a member of the history faculty at CMU, has agreed to remain as the journal's editor. In recent years, he has been bearing nearly all the load of the journal—from initial author contact and handling book reviews to dealing with the layout and production process of the publication. Now that The Michigan Historical Review is part of HSM Publications, we have added the expertise of our editorial team, which is led by Editor in Chief Emily Allison. In addition, starting in March 2022, all HSM members will be given electronic access to the MHR regardless of whether they also receive the printed journal. As part of the transfer from CMU to HSM, we also sought an assistant editor to help lighten Dr. Demas' load and take over a variety of tasks that were not in the normal domain of a journal editor. We were fortunate that former MHR Assistant Editor Edwin M. Bradley was available and willing to join us. He labored successfully on the journal for nearly half a year but, sadly, passed away suddenly in late January 2022. Much of the work on the issue in your hands right now was completed by Ed, and his passing left a hole in the heart of our editorial team. [End Page v] HSM looks forward to continuing the outstanding tradition and scholarship of The Michigan Historical Review in the years ahead. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me or other members of the editorial team at review@hsmichigan.org with any questions or comments you may have. [End Page vi] Larry J. Wagenaar, Publisher HSM Publications Historical Society of Michigan Copyright © 2022 Historical Society of Michigan

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