
The article is about the history of ancient irrigation systems of Jizzakh oasis, in which this cultural region was studied by researchers in Upper Sangzor (with Nushkent capital), Middle Sangzor (with Harakana capital), Lower Sangzor (with Dizak capital of Feknon), rustok of Zaamin (Zaamin) with the main city), Ravotsoy (with the capital of Turtkultepa), Majrumsoy (with the capital of Majrumtepa), Khojamushkentsoy (with the central city rustok of Savat with Kultepa). Located in the central part of the Turan lands, in the north-western part of the state, which went down in history in the Middle Ages as Ustrushana, the Sangzor Valley is closely connected with the emergence of ancient agricultural culture, irrigation networks, waterworks and the development of irrigation. The state of Ustrushana has played an important role in the ancient and medieval history of the Turanian land, and its north-western region is the Jizzakh oasis. This article provides sufficient information about the ancient irrigation networks, cisterns, sewer structures and their significant aspects that have survived to the present day in the Jizzakh oasis.

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