
The Cartan's equations definig simple spinors (renamed pure by C. Chevalley) are interpreted as equations of motion in momentum spaces, in a constructive approach in which at each step the dimesions of spinor space are doubled while those momentum space increased by two. The construction is possible only in the frame of geometry of simple or pure spinors, which imposes contraint equations on spinors with more than four components, and the momentum spaces result compact, isomorphic toinvariant-mass-spheres imbedded in each other, since the signatures appear to be unambiguously defined and result steadily lorentzian; up to dimension ten with Clifford algebra Cl(1,9), where the construction naturally ends. The equations of motion met in the construction are most of those traditionally postulated ad hoc for multicomponent fermions. The 3 division algebras: complex numbers, quaternions and octonions appear to be strictly correlated with this spinor geometry, from which they appear to gradually emerge in the construction, where they play a basic role for the physical interpretation. In fact they seem then to be at the origin of electroweak and strong charges, of the 3 families and of the groups of the standard model. In this approach there seems to be no need of higher dimensional (>4) space-time, here generated merely by Poincare translations, and dimensional reduction from Cl(1,9) to Cl(1,3) is equivalent to decoupling of the equations of motion.

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