
The Co-editors in chief welcome The Journal of Nursing & Interprofessional Leadership in Quality and Safety to state what the purpose of the journal is and why it is important for this journal to start. This issue editor's point of view is available in Journal of Nursing & Interprofessional Leadership in Quality & Safety: http://digitalcommons.library.tmc.edu/uthoustonjqualsafe/vol1/iss1/3 The publication of the inaugural issue of The Journal of Nursing & Interprofessional Leadership in Quality and Safety is a milestone for its sponsoring organization, The School of Nursing of the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. The Editors-in-Chief would like to thank the inaugural contributors to Issue 1-1 of the Journal and describe the basis for the decision to publish a new journal with a focus on quality and safety. The Journal of Nursing & Interprofessional Leadership in Quality and Safety is a peer-reviewed electronic journal launched with the expressed purpose of giving voice to front line providers and investigators whose work is designed to address quality and safety outcomes of patients and populations. The Journal seeks to showcase innovative approaches that lead to improvements in quality of care and safer care for patients, families, and organizations. Small innovative projects often have the potential to make changes and improve systems as well as inform larger projects that impact clinical practice and care. Front line providers understand processes of care and outcomes, and can suggest novel approaches that ultimately impact care in a variety of ways. The Journal of Nursing & Interprofessional Leadership in Quality and Safety serves to inform its readership of quality, safety and research initiatives that affect all levels of practice. The name of the journal includes the words nursing and interprofessional because we celebrate the reality that nursing interacts with many other professions to improve quality of care and promote safety in care approaches for all populations. The journal offers a venue for dialogue that builds a community of scholars interested in quality and safety initiatives. The cradle of innovation is critical observations of processes of care by astute providers and investigators who can envision translation of evidence into practice that create new approaches to health care delivery. The Journal of Nursing & Interprofessional Leadership in Quality and Safety includes articles that utilize traditional research approaches as well as quality improvement methodologies designed to improve care. It will be published twice a year with decisions to increase frequency of publication determined by our readership. In future issues, departments will be added such as short discussions of trends in quality and safety initiatives, instruments for the measurement of quality and safety, commentaries, and other areas of interest to the readership. We invite submission of manuscripts to the Journal, and look forward to stimulating dialogue among our readers. We hope that you will find the information in The Journal of Nursing & Interprofessional Leadership in Quality and Safety useful to your professional practice. 1 Hickey and Giardino: Introduction to the new Journal Published by the UTHealth School of Nursing, 2016

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