
This issue's “From the Editors” column is coauthored with all the associate editors, to emphasize their major role in the leadership of the journal. We first review this year's operations and thank our editorial board and referees. Our first article, by David J. Johnstone, Victor Richmond R. Jose, and Robert L. Winkler, presents “Tailored Scoring Rules for Probabilities,” which take into account the decision maker's specific situation. Next, in “Do Bayesians Learn Their Way Out of Ambiguity?,” Alexander Zimper addresses how people perceive ambiguous probabilities and how they update their perceptions. In our third article, Chen Wang and Vicki M. Bier examine “Target-Hardening Decisions Based on Uncertain Multiattribute Terrorist Utility.” The final article, by Stephen P. Chambal, Jeffery D. Weir, Yucel R. Kahraman, and Alex J. Gutman, is on “A Practical Procedure for Customizable One-Way Sensitivity Analysis in Additive Value Models.”

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