
As with every profession, the field of marriage and family therapy (MFT) is characterized by a unique training and socialization process for those who desire to attain full membership. Students first must become proficient and demonstrate competence in the following areas: the theoretical foundations of family therapy, with a specific focus on a systems perspective; human development and family studies, with an emphasis on such areas as individual and family development, sexual functioning, and psychopathology; the many therapeutic models and approaches to working with clients; values and ethics relative to family therapy; and supervised practicum experiences that focus on working with clients utilizing a systems perspective (Becvar in press; Becvar and Becvar 2009). Following their formal education, trainees must engage in supervised clinical experiences for a period of at least 2 years and successfully complete a licensure exam in order to become licensed MFTs. This entire process is overseen by those of us who have come before and who in our role as MFTs have chosen to become mentors to the next generation. Once out in the field, some of our students will follow in our footsteps, becoming trainers and supervisors, while others will embrace various aspects of practice, whether in private practice, agency settings, or in a variety of other roles. And regardless of context, many will continue to focus on generating knowledge relative to both the training and supervision of family therapists and the practice of family therapy. In this edition we thus provide articles that represent various components of this evolutionary process, dividing them into the two categories of training and practice.

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