
During my first full year as editor-in-chief of ACM Transations on Computing Education (TOCE), the editorial board and I took the following four steps to improve the journal's ability to serve the growing community of computing education researchers: (1) We streamlined the peer review process, (2) we established a new partnership with the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education Conference, (c) we transitioned to a double-blind review process, and (4) we recruited guest editors for two new special issues that address timely research topics. In this editorial, I present key statistics on TOCE's review process and submissions during the 2016 calendar year, discuss and reflect on the positive steps we took to improve the journal during 2016, and describe steps we will consider in the coming year in order to ensure that ACM TOCE continues on its positive trajectory. These include forging additional partnerships with professional conferences, altering the review criteria to make the journal more welcoming to a broader range of research, especially within the K-12 space, and developing a set of evidence standards for research published in the journal.

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