
The year 2020-2022 has been quite challenging for us. The sudden outbreak of Covid-19 in March 2020 followed by the lockdown of all the nations created havoc and disturbed the life of people. Back to Journal of Environmental Biology (JEB) Editorial Secretariat, as a precautionary measure, remained closed for a major part of the year 2020-2021, strictly following the protocols issued by the Government of India. Despite the closure, the entire editorial team of JEB worked from home and successfully managed and released all the issues of Journal. Amongst chaos and disturbances, the journal still managed to achieve a good impact factor of 0.76 in July 2021; however, in December 2021 the impact factor was suspended as the journal did not meet certain Web of Science selection criteria. One was the Editorial Policy of the journal, though not present on the journal's website but was effective and operational in practice. Immediately, after consulting the Board of Management the Editorial Policy of JEB was uploaded on JEB's website. Thereafter, we also applied for COPE Membership. Journal is still under evaluation by WOS and recently, the journal been issued a Journal Citation Index of 0.13 by WOS. Likewise, soon we hope to receive COPE Membership also.

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