
Background. The article considers the stages of formation of anatomical science in two major art institutions of France in the XIX century, the Academy of Painting and Sculpture and the School of Fine Arts. Developments of theoretical works and bases of formation and development of plastic anatomy by known anatomists, anthropologists and artists-scientists of the XIX century are considered. Particular attention was paid to leading scientific and theoretical manuals on plastic anatomy. Excerpts from the works of the leaders of this discipline or researchers of their heritage have been translated from the original language. The methodical principles of teaching plastic anatomy are substantiated and the names of personalities who influenced the formation of plastic anatomy in the Academy and the School of Fine Arts are given. Their scientific work was of great importance for the development of anatomical science at the Academy and the School of Fine Arts. Thanks to them, not only the teaching process but also its spatial and architectural environment becomes important. The genesis of the term "plastic anatomy" is considered. Particular attention is paid to the transition from the term "anatomy" to the artistic term "plastic anatomy", which, in fact, is becoming typical of higher art education. Objectives. The purpose of the study is to highlight the methods of teaching plastic anatomy at the Academy and the School of Fine Arts during the XIX century. Methods. With the help of theoretical, informational methods and generalization method, the obtained research data were systematized and streamlined, the possibility of finding a solution to the problem was revealed and the practicality of the obtained results was evaluated. Results. For the first time in Ukrainian art history, material on the methods of teaching plastic anatomy was collected at the Academy and the School of Fine Arts of the XIX century. Conclusions. Prospects for further research require clarification of the relationship between anatomical practice and the philosophy of pragmatism, as well as a closer examination of some famous personalities (artists and anatomists-scientists) given in the article, who made a great contribution to the development of plastic anatomy.

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