Given any separable complex Hilbert space, any trace-class operator [Formula: see text] which does not have purely imaginary trace, and any generator [Formula: see text] of a norm-continuous one-parameter semigroup of completely positive maps we prove that there exists a unique bounded operator [Formula: see text] and a unique completely positive map [Formula: see text] such that (i) [Formula: see text], (ii) the superoperator [Formula: see text] is trace class and has vanishing trace, and (iii) [Formula: see text] is a real number. Central to our proof is a modified version of the Choi formalism which relates completely positive maps to positive semi-definite operators. We characterize when this correspondence is injective and surjective, respectively, which in turn explains why the proof idea of our main result cannot extend to non-separable Hilbert spaces. In particular, we find examples of positive semi-definite operators which have empty pre-image under the Choi formalism as soon as the underlying Hilbert space is infinite-dimensional.
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