
Two new families of cobalt(ii/iii)-lanthanide(iii) coordination aggregates have been reported: tetranuclear [LnCoL2(N-BuDEA)2(O2CCMe3)4(H2O)2]·(MeOH)n·(H2O)m (Ln = Gd, 1; Tb, 2; Dy, 3; n = 2, m = 10 for 1 and 2; n = 6, m = 2 for 3) and pentanuclear LnCoIICoL2(N-BuDEA)2(O2CCMe3)6(MeOH)2 (Ln = Dy, 4; Ho, 5) formed from the reaction of two aggregation assisting ligands H2L (o-vanillin oxime) and N-BuDEAH2 (N-butyldiethanolamine). A change in preference from a lower to higher nuclearity structure was observed on going across the lanthanide series brought about by the variation in the size of the LnIII ions. An interesting observation was made for the varying sequence of addition of the ligands into the reaction medium paving the way to access both structural types for Ln = Dy. HRMS (+ve) of solutions gave further insight into the formation of the aggregates via different pathways. The tetranuclear complexes adopt a modified butterfly structure with a more complex bridging network while trapping of an extra CoII ion in the pentanuclear complexes destroys this arrangement putting the Co-Co-Co axis above the Ln-Ln axis. Direct current (dc) magnetic susceptibility measurements reveal weak antiferromagnetic coupling in 1. Complexes 2 and 5 display no slow magnetic relaxation, whereas complexes 3 and 4 display out-of-phase signals at low temperature in ac susceptibility measurements. All compounds were analyzed with DFT and CASSCF calculations and informations about the single-ion anisotropies and mutual 4f-4f/4f-3d magnetic interactions were derived.

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