
While the identification of skyrmions as the low energy description of baryons in Nf≥2 QCD is known for decades, a parallel construction for the case of Nf=1 is more mysterious. In the case of one fermionic flavor, there is no chiral symmetry breaking, no non-linear sigma model, and the conventional construction of skyrmions fails to work. In this article, I will review developments from the last couple of years trying to identify baryons as certain singular configurations in the large Nc limit of Nf=1 QCD. We will give various arguments supporting this identification, and discuss some of its applications. Unlike skyrmions, the new baryons are not contained completely inside the low energy effective theory. They give rise to a singular ring on which the chiral condensate must vanish, with new degrees of freedom living on this ring. These configurations may serve as a bridge between the UV and the IR, and hopefully shed some light on the connection between different phases of QCD.

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