
This captivating abstract delves into the intriguing journey of mythology, tracing its transition from intricate scroll paintings to the realm of oral tradition. Throughout the course of history, diverse cultures have skillfully depicted their myths and legends through elaborate scroll paintings, capturing the very essence of their belief systems and cultural heritage. However, as societies progress and adapt to change, these myths have also found new life in the art of oral storytelling. This study dives deep into the dynamic interplay between visual artistry and spoken narratives, meticulously tracing the evolution of mythological tales from static pictorial representations to fluid and interactive retellings passed down through generations. By examining a plethora of cultural examples, this research sheds light on the profound significance of storytelling as a powerful vessel for preserving and transmitting ancient myths across time. Furthermore, this abstract analyzes how technology advancements and cultural exchange have shaped the propagation of these captivating stories. Whether conveyed through traditional means or embraced by digital platforms, this study uncovers how oral traditions persistently thrive, seamlessly bridging the gap between past sagas and present realities within a tapestry woven with human imagination and shared heritage.

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