
Introduction: Romans, Barbarians and the Transformation of the Roman Empire Part 1: Barbarian Ethnicity and Identity 1. The Crisis of European Identity 2. Gothic History as Historical Ethnography 3. Origo et Religio: Ethnic Traditions and Literature in Early Medieval Texts 4. Does the Distant Past Impinge on the Invasion Age Germans? 5. Defining the Franks: Frankish Origins in Early Medieval Historiography 6. Telling the Difference: Signs of Ethnic Identity 7. Gender and Ethnicity in the Early Middle Ages 8. Archaeologists and Migrations Part 2: Accommodating the Barbarians 9. Movers and Shakers: The Barbarians and the Fall of Rome 10. The Barbarians in Late Antiquity and How They Were Accommodated in the West 11. Foedera and Foederati in the Fourth Century 12. Cities, Taxes and the Accommodation of the Barbarians Part 3: Barbarian and Roman in the Merovingian Kingdom in Gaul 13. Grave Goods and the Ritual Expression of Identity 14. The Two Faces of Childeric: History, Archaeology, Historiography 15. Frankish Victory Celebrations 16. Administrations, Law and Culture in Merovingian Gaul 17. Pax et Disciplina: Roman Public Law and the Merovingian State

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