
Planning and governance at the regional scale is a promising field for the application of the ecosystem service (ES) concept. The objective of this paper is to explore the potential implications of integrating the ES concept into regional planning and governance. We focus on two pathways of influence: (i) information on ES and their values as decision-support in planning and management, ii) the ES concept as a boundary object for facilitating cross-sectoral interaction and collaboration.A case study illustrates the effects of applying the ES concept in planning processes. The usefulness of the ES concept as a boundary object was derived from focus groups with scientists and practitioners. Integrating the ES information into planning, facilitates the consideration of trade-offs and multifunctionality in decision-making. Furthermore, it helps people to recognize how individuals or societies are affected, thus, improving preconditions for public participation. Additionally, ES can serve as a mutual reference level within the valuation and monitoring systems of different environmental disciplines. Challenges are found in assessing utilized ES and differentiating benefits for public and individuals. Employing economic valuation could supplement existing planning procedures, but carries risks. There is a need for research in the field of applicable assessment methods and standardizations.

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