
Let ${\mathfrak o}$ be the ring of integers in a finite extension $K$ of ${\mathbb Q}_p$, let $k$ be its residue field. Let $G$ be a split reductive group over ${\mathbb Q}_p$, let $T$ be a maximal split torus in $G$. Let ${\mathcal H}(G,I_0)$ be the pro-$p$-Iwahori Hecke ${\mathfrak o}$-algebra. Given a semiinfinite reduced chamber gallery (alcove walk) $C^{({\bullet})}$ in the $T$-stable apartment, a period $\phi\in N(T)$ of $C^{({\bullet})}$ of length $r$ and a homomorphism $\tau:{\mathbb Z}_p^{\times}\to T$ compatible with $\phi$, we construct a functor from the category ${\rm Mod}^{\rm fin}({\mathcal H}(G,I_0))$ of finite length ${\mathcal H}(G,I_0)$-modules to \'{e}tale $(\varphi^r,\Gamma)$-modules over Fontaine's ring ${\mathcal O}_{\mathcal E}$. If $G={\rm GL}_{d+1}({\mathbb Q}_p)$ there are essentially two choices of ($C^{({\bullet})}$, $\phi$, $\tau$) with $r=1$, both leading to a functor from ${\rm Mod}^{\rm fin}({\mathcal H}(G,I_0))$ to \'{e}tale $(\varphi,\Gamma)$-modules and hence to ${\rm Gal}_{{\mathbb Q}_p}$-representations. Both induce a bijection between the set of absolutely simple supersingular ${\mathcal H}(G,I_0)\otimes_{\mathfrak o} k$-modules of dimension $d+1$ and the set of irreducible representations of ${\rm Gal}_{{\mathbb Q}_p}$ over $k$ of dimension $d+1$. We also compute these functors on modular reductions of tamely ramified locally unitary principal series representations of $G$ over $K$. For $d=1$ we recover Colmez' functor (when restricted to ${\mathfrak o}$-torsion ${\rm GL}_{2}({\mathbb Q}_p)$-representations generated by their pro-$p$-Iwahori invariants)

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