
The Cuban economy has been delayed in unproductivity for over two decades. Living standards have deteriorated, the revolution’s notable achievements in universal health, education and in social equality are eroding; the old-fashioned productive methods are suffering from de-capitalization and technological uselessness, and the nation’s balance of payments is becoming critical. The present research tries to investigate the economic evolution, the economic strategy and development of the Cuban socialist market economy from now on. Market relations are formed in each economy under the influence of the dominant relations in the economic-society and non-economic, and reflect them. We conclude that it was a error to reject the market economy, and asserts that the Cuban economy moves toward an economic model so that makes it compatible the planned direction with the action of the law of value, that macroeconomic and microeconomic factors are integrated into a systemic vision of development, and that the transition to the new economic model will be a gradual complex and controversial progression. Article visualizations:

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