
As reported in a series of previous PIRT conferences, a direct SU(3) structural realization of the Standard Model has been developed based upon Marius Sophus Lie’s original Norwegian Ph.D. thesis Over en Classe Geometriske Transformationer from 1871 (and thus due for a most deserved 150-year anniversary). It elucidates how “the theory of main tangential curves can be brought back to that of rounded curves”, anticipating a coherent linear representation of the elementary particles instead of the rotational chosen since they were considered point-like and amorphous when they many years later entered the stage. Under these premises the Standard Model has built a magnificent, undoubtedly true but congested multi-particle system whereas the Lie continuous transformation element, the partial derivative ’straight line of length equal to zero’ outlines an isotropic vector matrix lattice of crystallographic Killing root space diagram A3 form which from the Nucleon and inwards can backtrack the Standard Model geometrically, as well as continue outward iterating to a space-filling solid state R3×SO(3) wave-packet complex tessellating the whole periodic table with electron shells and subshells, isotope spectrum, neutron captures, radiative channels, oxidation states, molecular binding sites etc. in successive layers also including the Lanthanides in the sixth period and the Actinides in the seventh, in which now the concluding Oganesson has been reached in perfectly well-built saturated noble gas shape and condition.

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