
Part 1 Civic republicanism and renaissance liberty in Italy: 14th-century political and legal developments Bartolus of Sassoferrato Baldus de Ubaldis 15th-century humanist political thought 16th-century humanist political thought. Part 2 Constitutionalism and the church: introduction John of Paris conciliar thought in the 14th century conciliarism at the time of the Great Schism and Basle conciliarism after Basle conciliarism secularized - George Buchanan. Part 3 Consent and limit in spanism neo-scholasticism Spanish scholasticism Cardinal Cajetan (Tommaso de Vio) Alonxo de Castrillo Juan Luis Vives Francisco de Vitoria Juan de Mariana Francesco Suarez. Part 4 Emerging rights as a basis for resisting authority - reformation political thought: introduction Martin Luther John Calvin Theodore Beza Peter Martyr Vermigli Francois Hotman: the Francogallia Mornay - the Vindiciae contra tyrannos Richard Hooker.

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