
The author of this article brings an assessment of some contested textual issues in Aeneid 2 from Austin to Horsfall actualized by the recent appearance of the latter's huge commentary (2008). He finds that Horsfall rightly favours ardere (347 versus audere in Austin), audentem (349 vs. audendi), portare (778 vs. asportare), whereas the comma after relicti (454) and the preference of auxilium (691 vs. augurium) are unconvincing. The issue of comma/ no comma between vices and Danaum (433), videt vs. vident (485) and ex agmine vs. examine (726) are also critically assessed, likewise the problematic forms parent (121), fors et (139) and the warrior names Epy- vs. Iphi-tus (340). In the last paragraph Horsfall's treatment of the Helen Episode (567-588) is dealt with.

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