
We provide a rigorous derivation of the Boltzmann equation as the mesoscopic limit of systems of hard spheres, or Newtonian particles interacting via a short-range potential, as the number of particles $N$ goes to infinity and the characteristic length of interaction $\e$ simultaneously goes to $0,$ in the Boltzmann-Grad scaling $N \e^{d-1} \equiv 1.$ The time of validity of the convergence is a fraction of the average time of first collision, due to a limitation of the time on which one can prove uniform estimates for the BBGKY and Boltzmann hierarchies. Our proof relies on the fundamental ideas of Lanford, and the important contributions of King, Cercignani, Illner and Pulvirenti, and Cercignani, Gerasimenko and Petrina. The main novelty here is the detailed study of pathological trajectories involving recollisions, which proves the term-by-term convergence for the correlation series expansion.

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