
Over the past three decades, mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) has emerged as a valuable tool for the spatial localization of drugs and metabolites directly from tissue surfaces without the need for labels. MSI offers molecular specificity, making it increasingly popular in the pharmaceutical industry compared to conventional imaging techniques like quantitative whole-body autoradiography (QWBA) and immunohistochemistry, which are unable to distinguish parent drugs from metabolites. Across the industry, there has been a consistent uptake in the utilization of MSI to investigate drug and metabolite distribution patterns, and the integration of MSI with omics technologies in preclinical investigations. To continue the further adoption of MSI in drug discovery and development, we believe there are two key areas that need to be addressed. First, there is a need for accurate quantification of analytes from MSI distribution studies. Second, there is a need for increased interactions with regulatory agencies for guidance on the utility and incorporation of MSI techniques in regulatory filings. Ongoing efforts are being made to address these areas, and it is hoped that MSI will gain broader utilization within the industry, thereby becoming a critical ingredient in driving drug discovery and development.

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