
is many slip 'twixt the cup and the lip. Palladas THE 91st Congress of the United States, whose stormy existence came to a loquacious end on Dec 31, 1970, passed several major bills of immediate concern to psychiatrists. Having been duly signed by President Nixon, these acts are now law. In the following, five of these statutes will be summarized. Then, an attempt will be made to estimate the extent to which one can expect them to be implemented. There are significant barriers to the full implementation of programs which, ironically perhaps, only a few months ago were thought important enough to warrant congressional and Presidential initiatives. Community Mental Health Centers Amendments of 1970 (Public Law 91-211, S 2523) Title I of this statute extends the grant program for construction of community mental health centers for three years. In addition, it sets the maximum federal share for areas designated

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