
To provide a comprehensive overview of the inflammatory response following anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury and to highlight the relationship between specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs) and inflammatory joint conditions, emphasizing the therapeutic potential of modulating the post-injury resolution of inflammation to prevent posttraumatic osteoarthritis (PTOA). The inflammatory response triggered after joint injuries such as ACL tear plays a critical role in posttraumatic osteoarthritis development. Inflammation is a necessary process for tissue healing, but unresolved or overactivated inflammation can lead to chronic diseases. SPMs, a family of lipid molecules derived from essential fatty acids, have emerged as active players in the resolution of inflammation and tissue repair. While their role in other inflammatory conditions has been studied, their relationship with PTOA remains underexplored. Proinflammatory mediators contribute to cartilage degradation and PTOA pathogenesis, while anti-inflammatory and pro-resolving mediators may have chondroprotective effects. Therapies aimed at suppressing inflammation in PTOA have limitations, as inflammation is crucial for tissue healing. SPMs offer a pro-resolving response without causing immunosuppression, making them a promising therapeutic option. The known onset date of PTOA makes it amenable to early interventions, and activating pro-resolving pathways may provide new possibilities for preventing PTOA progression. Harnessing the pro-resolving potential of SPMs may hold promise for preventing PTOA and restoring tissue homeostasis and function after joint injuries.

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