
Abstract. Root water uptake is an important process in the terrestrial water cycle. How this process depends on soil water content, root distributions, and root properties is a soil–root hydraulic problem. We compare different approaches to implement root hydraulics in macroscopic soil water flow and land surface models. By upscaling a three-dimensional hydraulic root architecture model, we derived an exact macroscopic root hydraulic model. The macroscopic model uses the following three characteristics: the root system conductance, Krs, the standard uptake fraction, SUF, which represents the uptake from a soil profile with a uniform hydraulic head, and a compensatory matrix that describes the redistribution of water uptake in a non-uniform hydraulic head profile. The two characteristics, Krs and SUF, are sufficient to describe the total uptake as a function of the collar and soil water potential, and water uptake redistribution does not depend on the total uptake or collar water potential. We compared the exact model with two hydraulic root models that make a priori simplifications of the hydraulic root architecture, i.e., the parallel and big root model. The parallel root model uses only two characteristics, Krs and SUF, which can be calculated directly following a bottom-up approach from the 3D hydraulic root architecture. The big root model uses more parameters than the parallel root model, but these parameters cannot be obtained straightforwardly with a bottom-up approach. The big root model was parameterized using a top-down approach, i.e., directly from root segment hydraulic properties, assuming a priori a single big root architecture. This simplification of the hydraulic root architecture led to less accurate descriptions of root water uptake than by the parallel root model. To compute root water uptake in macroscopic soil water flow and land surface models, we recommend the use of the parallel root model with Krs and SUF computed in a bottom-up approach from a known 3D root hydraulic architecture.


  • Plant transpiration, which corresponds with about 40 % of the precipitation on land (Oki and Kanae, 2006; Trenberth et al, 2007; Good et al, 2015) is an important component of the terrestrial water cycle

  • In line with Couvreur et al (2012), we deduced that the total uptake by a root system is a simple function of a weighted soil water hydraulic head, and the weights are equal to the water uptake by the root system architecture (RSA) in a uniform soil water hydraulic head field

  • The root system that define the relation between the transpiration, the collar hydraulic head, and the distribution of the soil water potentials

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Plant transpiration, which corresponds with about 40 % of the precipitation on land (Oki and Kanae, 2006; Trenberth et al, 2007; Good et al, 2015) is an important component of the terrestrial water cycle. In order to interpret the models and their differences, we will cast in a first part the solutions of the models in a form that uses two hydraulic root system characteristics, namely the root system conductance and the root water uptake distribution for a uniform soil water potential or hydraulic head distribution. This was already done for a parallel root system by Couvreur et al (2012), but an exact formulation of root water uptake in terms of these characteristics for a general root system model, including a 3D root model and its upscaled version and a big root model, is still missing. The models will be compared for single roots with realistic distributions of root segment properties and for realistic root architectures of plants with a tap root or a fibrous root system

Setup of equations
Simple hybrid root system
Single root branches
Realistic root systems
Discussion and conclusion
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