
Laboratory of Developmental Biology, University of Wisconsin, Madison,Wisconsin 53706Between the years 1951 and 1957 CliffordGrobstein (1916–1998) produced a series of in-cisive papers that contributed significantly to ourunderstanding of the exquisite interplay of tissuesduring embryonic development.He began his work as a graduate student,studying tissue interactions in the developmentof fish fins. After an interlude of military servicehe moved to the National Cancer Institute.Surrounded as he was by mouse geneticists suchas Walter Heston, tissue culture pioneers likeWilton Earle, and cancer biologists such as GlennAlgire, he rapidly converted from fish to mouseembryology.There followed a battery of seminal studies onthe intricate tissue interrelationships underlyingthe development of the early post-implantationmouse embryo, the differentiation of the subman-dibular gland, the elaboration of cartilage fromsomites surrounding the spinal cord and, espe-cially, the complex interplay characterizing thedevelopment of the mouse metanephric rudiment.The Journal of Experimental Zoology paperselected for recognition in this issue was one ofthe key publications of this productive period atthe National Cancer Institute.

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