
Embodiment is a key to solving the reliability and alignment issues in the current AI. This is because it imposes consistent constraints on the entire agent-environment interactions and accompanying information without specifying their actual contents, and the constraints are common to those with similar embodiment. The concept of embodiment should be generalized beyond mechanical properties of the body and information structure of sensory signals, encompassing internal organs and metabolism, mental processes, and inter-agent interactions, to “super-embodiment”. It can address sensibilities, values and morals toward artificial humanity, which will be critically important for the next generation AI. [Y. Kuniyoshi, Open-ended intelligence arises from emergence and development from embodiment, J. Robotics Soc. Jpn. 41(7) (2023) 585–590 (in Japanese); Y. Kuniyoshi, Fusing autonomy and sociality via embodied emergence and development of behaviour and cognition from fetal period, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. B: Biol. Sci. 374 (2019) 20180031].

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