
Used to express mass media that provides one-way communication such as television, newspaper, radio and magazine, digital media, which takes the place of traditional media and gives the opportunity to communicate interactively, has become one of the indispensables of humanity. In this context, the Internet news portal of Die Welt, which has a high impact in Germany, started its broadcasting life in 1995. Die Welt, which managed to reach the level of multimedia news centre in a short time, continues its activities by growing day by day and reaching more readers. In our study, based on selected news on the portal, Alevis, Alevism, Islam, religious practices (headscarf, alcohol, prayer, fasting, etc.), integration policies and articles published on Turkey, it was aimed to reach what information is given about Alevism and Alevis in Germany. While doing this, the articles written by A. Posener, F. Schindler, F. Peters, H. Hirsch, K. Eigendorf, Ö. Muzlu, T. Stoldt in Die Welt were used. It has been seen that the authors generally agree on the following points: Alawites accept the prophets and books in Judaism and Christianity as equal revelations, the idea of the principle of equal rights for all people, regardless of men and women, is an indispensable part of their beliefs, and life itself is the focal point of the Alevi belief; it is not important to perform purely religious rites such as going to the mosque, praying five times a day, prohibiting pork and alcohol, fasting or making a pilgrimage to Mecca. Many points have been reached such that Alevis not only preach the culture of tolerance and nonviolence at all times, they live it, therefore they are the natural ally of the West in Turkey, at least 500,000 Alevis live in Germany and they can be in harmony with the German society without any difficulties within the framework of the integration policy, Alawites have been mistreated at all times in Turkey, their existence has been ignored, and even they have been subjected to forced Islamization (Sunnization). In our research, the reality and validity of the issues stated by the authors were examined in the light of scientific data and tried to be understood and explained. Keywords: Alevis, Alevism, Sunni Islam, Alevism in Germany, Alevis and Turkey.

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