
Copyright c 2013 Omar Salazar, Jairo Soriano, and Humberto Serrano. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Abstract It is known that any binary logic function (in binary logic) can be rep- resented by at least one logic formula, however this is not always true for a ternary logic function (in ternary logic). A ternary logic function can be represented by at least one logic formula if and only if it satises a mathematical condition which is called regularity. Also, it is known that a fuzzy logic formula (in standard fuzzy logic) can be obtained by means of truth tables in ternary logic. This paper presents a method destined for extending a binary logic function into one (or more) ter- nary logic function(s) representable by at least one logic formula, and therefore, to obtain fuzzy logic formulas from a binary logic function. Mathematics Subject Classication: 03B52, 06D72, 08A72, 94D05

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