
INTEGRAL is an astrophysical observatory that has been successfully launched from Baikonur (Kazakhstan) the 17th of October 2002 for a 2 year mission with possible extension to 5. This medium size ESA project is devoted to the observation of the γray sky in the energy range from 3 keV to 10 MeV. After the injection in orbit and initial switch-on, INTEGRAL has undergone a short Performance Verification and Calibration phase. Then the Observatory was fully operative and started to perform observations on the 3 day based orbit with a real-time telemetry link. At the beginning of 2003 Core Programme and Open Time scientific observations have successfully started. The scientific programme comprised regular scan of the Galactic plane, Galactic centre deep exposures, Open Time standard pointing and associated ToO observations. Several new soft γ-ray sources have been discovered and six Gamma Ray Bursts detected within the IBIS/SPI coded field of view (FOV). In this paper a short description will be presented of the astrophysical observatory, the initial IBIS scientific performance and the initial results from the PV phase and CP observations.

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