
To give an overview of publications directly referencing the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) in 2008. Systematic search for references to IMIA over the two official IMIA journals, and reports of the recent IMIA General Assembly and Board meetings, using PubMed/Medline, supplemented by searches with Google Scholar and Google Books. Beyond the IMIA Yearbook 2008, 38 IMIA-referencing publications were found by these searches, encompassing a broad range of topics, ranging from ambient assisted living technologies in home environments to global information management methodologies. In 2008 IMIA-referencing publications found through both medical and general search engines were predominantly in journals. In years where IMIA's world congress on medical informatics, Medinfo take place, it could be expected that the Medinfo proceedings will also play an important role in referencing IMIA explicitly.

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