
Abstract. The research presented in this work is focused on describing part of the activities related to the 1st edition of the SUNRISE Summer School (Seashore and UNderwater documentation of aRchaeological herItage palimpSests and Environment) and a comprehensive approach to the documentation of an archaeological site. In the paper data acquisition and processing will be described in detail, together with the design of the survey project and the main specifications of the sensors and techniques adopted. The 3D metric data derived from the use of these consolidated geomatics techniques were validated during the processing and used as the basis for the generation of other added-value products: traditional 2D drawings and an HBIM model. More specifically, two different approaches for the modelling phase were followed: a more consolidated approach driven by the 2D representation and a more experimental one that foresaw NURBS modelling from the point clouds. The pros and cons of both approaches will be analyzed, and a metric validation of each strategy will be presented. In the paper's conclusions, some considerations are summarized on the use of HBIM for the management of the archaeological data, together with some further perspectives.

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