
1. 1.|The molecular weights of a series of synthetic myosin filaments have been measured, using the transport-concentration dependence theory of Rowe, A.J. [Biopolymers, 1977, 16, 2595–2611]. It is shown that for preparations of narrow length distribution (0.60–0.77 μm), N, the number of myosin molecules/14.3 nm varies between 3 and 6. 2. 2.|The reduced specific viscosity of synthetic myosin filaments has been measured as a function of both concentration and shear rate. From the concentration dependence at zero rate of shear, a value for the ‘swelling’ of the filaments V rms / ovbar| ν = 2.3 has been calculated. 3. 3.|The frictional coefficient of synthetic myosin filaments has been shown to be anomalously but reproducibly high, as compared to that of prolate ellipsoids of the same length and mass. This additional frictional drag has been numerically characterised by a ‘frictional increment’, f i = 1.76 ± 0.11. 4. 4.|A procedure has been devised whereby for any elongated structure which can be assumed to show the same (or other known) f i value, the molecular weight can be estimated from s o (extrapolated sedimentation coefficient) and 2 b (length) alone. 5. 5.|An s 0 value for natural A-filaments, isolated from rabbit psoas muscle, has been determined by the active enzyme centrifugation technique. From this value, s 0 = 132 ± 3 S, a molecular weight of 1.20 · 10 8 has been computed by the new procedure, for preparations of average length 1.27 μm. 6. 6.|Contingent upon the validity of the assumptions used (see 4 above) the N value is computed as 3.1 ± 0.2, consistent with the native, fully intact A-filament having three-fold symmetry, containing 294 myosin molecules, and having a molecular weight based upon myosin and C-protein of 1.31 · 10 8.

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