
The zooplankton fauna of freshwater systems of the Chihuahuan Desert was surveyed 2005-2008. Samples were obtained from habitats including natural lakes, ephemeral waters, springs, and reservoirs. Copepods were sorted and identified to species. Including previous surveys, a total of 38 species occur in the Chihuahuan Desert, the checklist includes 6 calanoids (1 Temoridae, 5 Diaptomidae), 24 cyclopoids (12 Eucyclopinae, 12 Cyclopinae), and 8 harpacticoids. These species were assigned to different biogeographic categories (i.e., cosmopolitan, Nearctic, Neotropical, potential endemics). Results indicated that the Chihuahuan Desert, a transitional biogeographic region in Mexico with both Nearctic and Neotropical influences, represents an interesting geographic and environmental realm characterized by a balanced mixture of elements from different origins and affinities. There is a relatively high proportion (23%) of species that probably are endemic. RESUMEN—La fauna de zooplancton de los sistemas de aguas dulces del desierto de Chihuahua fue muestreada en 2005-2008. Las muestras se obtuvieron de habitats que incluyeron lagos naturales, charcas temporales, manantiales y represas. Se separaron los copepodos y se identificaron a nivel de especie. Incluyendo muestreos previos, un total de 38 especies ocurre en el desierto de Chihuahua, la lista incluye 6 calanoides (1 Temoridae, 5 Diaptomidae), 24 ciclopoides (12 Eucyclopinae, 12 Cyclopinae) y 8 harpacticoides. Estas especies fueron asignadas a diferentes categoro ´as biogeograficas (por ejemplo, cosmopolita, Neartica, Neotropical, endemica potencial). Los resultados indicaron que el desierto Chihuahuense, una region biogeografica transicional en Mexico, con influencias Nearticas y Neotropicales, representa una interesante entidad geografica y ambiental caracterizada por una mezcla balanceada de elementos de diferentes oro ´genes y afinidades. Hay una proporcion relativamente alta

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