
We analyze the dynamics of free-electron masers (FEMs) with two-mirror hybrid Bragg resonators using the coupling between running and quasi-critical modes in the input mirror. Such a mirror may have the form of a 2D Bragg structure with coaxial geometry or a segment of a cylindrical waveguide with axisymmetric corrugation having a period close to the wavelength. The output mirror has the traditional Bragg structure coupling two counterpropagating running waves (the corrugation period is close to half the wavelength). It is shown that a stable unimodal lasing with a radiation frequency close to the cutoff frequency of the quasicritical mode excited in the input mirror can be attained using this scheme under optimal conditions. Such a regime is insensitive to variations of the electron beam parameters. Simulation of experimentally implemented FEMs and those being developed is carried out.

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