
<p>Introduction. Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of metabolic disorders that increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The aim of the study is to determine the frequency of certain metabolic syndrome components by applying International Diabetes Federation (IDF) criteria prior to and after diagnosing ischemic heart disease. Methods. In a retrospective-prospective study, risk factors for metabolic syndrome prior to and after the ischemic heart disease were analyzed. The sample included 107 patients suffering from ischemic heart disease. All patients with ischemic heart disease treated in the Primary Healthcare Centre Laktaši (Bosnia and Herzegovina) from 1st January 2010 to 30th November 2015 were included in the study. The patients were diagnosed with the ischemic heart disease by cardiology examination, ergometric testing and coronagraphy. All patients were subjected to anthropometric and blood pressure measurement and their blood samples were taken after 12 hours of being famished in order to determine the glucose and lipid levels. Results. After cardiovascular event a statictically significant decrease in the number of patients with increased body mass index (46 vs. 38, p < 0.001), increased levels of triglycerides (53 vs. 37, p < 0.001), low levels of HDL cholesterol (31 vs. 30, p = 0.100), increased systolic blood pressure (77 vs. 23, p = 0.004) was registered. Statistically significant increase in the number of patients with central obesity (61 vs. 92, p < 0.001), increased fasting blood glucose (68 vs. 73, p < 0.001), as well as those receiving pharmacotherapy for hypertension (49 vs. 90, p = 0.002) and diabetes (14 vs. 24, p < 0.001) was recorded. Conclusion. After diagnosing ischemic heart disease, the majority of metabolic syndrome parameters were reduced by applying pharmacological and non-pharmacological measures. Family physicians have an important role in an early identification of patients with metabolic syndrome as well as in the prevention of ischemic heart disease.</p>


  • Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of metabolic disorders that increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases

  • Istovremeno je zabilježeno statistički značajno povećanje broja bolesnika sa centralnim tipom gojaznosti (61 vs. 92, p < 0,001), povišenim vrijednostima šećera u krvi (68 vs. 73, p < 0,001), kao i onih kojima je uvedena farmakoterapija za liječenje hipe­ rtenzije (49 vs. 90, p = 0,002) i šećerne bolesti (14 vs. 24, p < 0,001)

  • Na ispitivanom uzorku rijuma postavljena je kod 76 (71%) bolesnika, došlo je do statistički značajnog povećanja broa nakon događaja kod 86 (80,4%) bolesnika

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Kratak sadržaj

Cilj rada je bio utvrditi učestalost pojedinih komponenti metaboličkog sindroma korišćenjem IDF (International Diabetes Federation) kriterijuma prije i nakon postavljanja dijagnoze ishemijske bolesti srca. Istraživanje je retrospektivna-prospektivna analiza prisustva komponenti metaboličkog sindroma prije i nakon obolijevanja od ishemijske bolesti srca. Uzorak za istraživanje činilo je 107 bolesnika oboljelih od ishemijske bolesti srca. Istovremeno je zabilježeno statistički značajno povećanje broja bolesnika sa centralnim tipom gojaznosti (61 vs 92, p < 0,001), povišenim vrijednostima šećera u krvi (68 vs 73, p < 0,001), kao i onih kojima je uvedena farmakoterapija za liječenje hipe­ rtenzije (49 vs 90, p = 0,002) i šećerne bolesti (14 vs 24, p < 0,001). Nakon postavljanja dijagnoze ishemijske bolesti srca kod ispitivanih bolesnika je primjenom farmakoloških i nefarmakoloških mjera smanjena učestalost većine parametara metaboličkog sindroma. Porodični ljekari imaju značajnu ulogu u ranoj identifikaciji bolesnika sa metaboličkim sindromom i prevenciji ishemijske bolesti srca

Metabolički sindrom kod bolesnika sa ishemijskom bolesti srca
Metode rada
Nestabilna Ishemijska angina kardiomiopatija pektoris
Nakon događaja
Farmakoterapiju u liječenju poremećaja
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