
Background: With the advancement of our society, we are able to control death rate by using advanced medical facilities for treatment of natural diseases but certainly we are not able to control the deaths occurring due to the unnatural causes, like deaths due to accidents, suicides and homicides, with hanging being common method of suicide.Methods: During the 5 years of study period from 2008 to 2012, all the cases of hanging deaths brought to the mortuary of King George’s Medical University were studied with respect to incidence, relationship with sex and age, diurnal variations, manner of death, residence, ligature material and various post mortem findings.Results: A total 1180 hanging death cases were autopsied with male dominance (54.66%). Most cases belong to 11-30 years age group. Noon and night were most frequent times. Ligature material used most commonly was saree by males and dupatta (scarf) by females. Most cases were from urban background (64.40%). Cyanosis and visceral congestion was found in every case. Most cases were of atypical hanging and suicidal in nature.Conclusion: Our observation and result conclude that males and young age group population between 15–30 years are more vulnerable victims with suicide as the major contributing cause. This, somehow, indicates frustration and carelessness on the part of population which are preventable and needs to be rectified on urgent basis.

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