
Studies using 24 hr esophageal pH monitoring (24pH) and s)qmptom index (SI) have demonstrated that the population of NERD is hetemgenous. Dflierent subgroups of NERD patients have been described: patients witb abnormal esophageal acid exposure (EAE), patients with normal EAE v4th good correlation between heartburn and retktx episodes and patients with normal EAE and no correlation between heartburn and refltux episodes. However, the exact prevalence of these subgroups is unknown. Aim: To invesugate the frequency of difterent subgroups of patients with NERD according to EAE and SL Patients and Methods: Patients with heartburn at least 3 times per week, during a minimum of I2 weeks, in the last preceedmg year and negative upper GI endoscopy were studied. All patients were undergone to 24pH with one sensor located at 5 cm above the LES % time of pH 4.2% of time pH 14.7), I1)Normal 24pH with positwe SI (>50%) and Ill)Normal 24pH and negative SI (<50%). Results: 300 patients (F:206) were included Median age was 44 years (15-81) Frequency of groups was: I:i37(46%), if: 62(21%) and lie 101(33%). There were no significant differences m gender and age between groups. Tbe pH parameters and SI are shown in the table. Conclnsions: In NERD, 46% of the patients had abnormal EAE. Among patients with normal EAE (h_mctional fieartbum) 38% had positive 5I (hypersensitive esophagus) and 62% had no correlation between heartburn and acid reflux episodes

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