
Purpose: estimate actual diet of college basketball players, including frequency of consumption of specialty foods.Materials and methods: 25 male students sports university basketball were examined (average age 20.9 ± 1.8 years). Actual nutrition was studied by the frequency method using the computer program “Analysis of Human Nutritional Status”. Data on the frequency and quantity of consumed specialized food products for the nutrition of athletes (SFP) and biologically active food additives were studied using a questionnaire.Results: the daily energy value of the diet averaged 3205 ± 520 kcal/day, 135 ± 36 g of protein per day, 155 ± 25 g/day of fats and 317 ± 72 g/day of carbohydrates; unoptimal diet structure was revealed — fats predominate from the daily energy value, carbohydrate and protein intake was low. There is a discrepancy between daily food intake (low consumption of fruits, vegetables, bread, fish) and the Order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation dated October 30, 2015 No. 999 “On requirements approval for ensuring the sports reserves training for sports teams of the Russian Federation” requirements. Basic diet revealed a high average daily content of iron (19 ± 6 mg/day), vitamins A (1057 ± 729 µg ret. equiv) and C (153 ± 101 mg/day). Data on the frequency of taking SPPs and dietary supplements are provided. At the same time, content of some nutrients in them exceeded the upper permissible consumption levels.Conclusion: it is advisable to regularly increase the awareness of coaches and athletes about the rational nutrition principles through the introduction of educational programs into sports practice.

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