
ABSTRACT Objectives: To find out frequency of risk factors for cardiovascular diseaseamongst doctors. Methodology: This was a cross-sectional study involving doctors (working atLady Reading Hospital) recruited in Peshawar Heart Study (PHS). All participantswere interviewed in detail including present and past medical history, familyhistory, smoking, drug and dietary history. Pulse, blood pressure, body massindex (BMI) and waist/hip ratio were measured. Random blood sugar and totalcholesterol was checked. A supine resting ECG was recorded. Data was analyzedfor frequency of cardiovascular risk factors using SPSS Version 16. Results: A total of 208 doctors were interviewed. Mean age was 30.33 ± 7.0years. Mean BMI was 24.69±4.73.Mean waist size was 84.68±10.571cm .Mean waist/hip ratio was 0.86 ± 0.068. Mean systolic BP was 121.82 ± 13.70mm Hg while mean diastolic BP was 78.89 ± 09.36 mm Hg. Mean random bloodcholesterol was 163.97±27.93 mg / dl. Mean random blood sugar was 95.79 ±24.57 mg /dl. Most (98.55%) of doctors had random blood sugar of less than 180mg /dl. The big majority of the doctors was not performing any regular exercise(n=157, 75.5%). Mean duty hours per day were 8.98 ±2.073.Active smokerswere 39 (18.8%), while 9 (4.3%) were using Naswar. None of the doctors enrolledin study was drinking alcohol. Conclusion: Among modifiable risk factors hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, andhypertension were less frequent amongst doctors while physical inactivity,obesity, unhealthy eating, and smoking were relatively more frequent.

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