
Background: Benign Prostatic hyperplasia is one of the commonest physiological ageing process of males. Among these, there arechances of conversion of this benign condition into malignancy. Initially benign prostatic hyperplasia was tried to be controlled withmedication. Then came the era of open surgery in the form of Trans-vesical prostatectomy and now-a-days minimally invasive techniqueof trans-urethral prostatectomy is on the surge. With the passage of time, there is increasing trend in performing histo-pathology of anytissue taken out from the body and this has resulted in very fruitful results.Objective: To determine the frequency of carcinoma prostate in those patients who were clinically suspected as having bening enlargedprostate.Material and Methods: This study was conducted in Surgical units and Urology unit of Saidu Group of Teaching Hospitals, Swat from2013 to 2015. A total of 200 patients were included in the study. An exclusion criteria was made so as to exclude confirm cases ofcarcinoma prostate from the study. After performing trans-vesical and trans-urethral prostatectomy, the specimens were sent for histopathology.Results: 200 patients were selected for the study who were clinically assigned as having benign prostatic hyperplasia according to ourinclusion criteria. Out of these 200 subjects, 32 (16%) came out to be having carcinoma prostate while 168 (84%) patients retained theoriginal clinical diagnosis upon histo-pathology.Conclusion: Rather than assigning a patient as having benign enlarged prostate on clinical grounds, it is better to perform histopathologybecause there is a vast difference of management plan of a benign condition as compared to a malignant condition.

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