
This paper presents an advanced protection method to protect the theft of electric power at distribution end. The money power involved in the game of power theft is beyond imagination. Today power theft is all over the world. Electricity energy is cannot be seen to be taken. This makes the detection and bringing to book the culprits engage in illegal obstruction of energy really challenging. This paper focuses on the fundamental procedures of power theft and demonstrates a method to protect power theft. This proposed method is totally done by frequency variation in distribution system. Here distribution system model has been developed in frequency variation scheme. The operating principle, frequency variation method and effect of power theft on the illegal consumer have been analyzed in this paper. One fourth of the world population is deprived of the benefits of electricity, and African and Asian countries are the worse affected ones. A lot of investment is required in this field which cannot be agenda of these countries right now. Income is not the sole criterion for complete electrification in a country. In Chaina with 56% people still poor has manage to supply to electricity to 98% of its population. In Africa about 83% of the people in the rural areas do not get electricity. The slums all over the world survive mainly by meeting the energy needs from tapping electricity. Tapped and congested electric poles can be seen commonly in Indian cities. Huge amount of theft of power is done by tapping from line, or bypassing the energy meter. According to a study 80% of total theft detected all over the world is from dwelling places and 20 % from commercial and industrial premises. In this paper the proposed method protect mainly the direct tapping from line and meter bypassing type power theft, which is 80% of total theft detection. Power theft in individual premises is done 20%, today industrial premises energy meters are smart electronic meter. In smart energy meters Remote Meter Reading (RMR) system are there. Theft monitoring is very easy in RMR scheme. Now-a-days all distribution licensees lose a huge amount due to power theft at low tension over head lines by tapping illegally, or bypassing energy meters. The proposed system, described in this paper will be very effective for power theft basically tapping from low tension line and bypassing energy meters. The proposed method is frequency variation method where only legal and silenced consumer can use 50 Hz (60 Hz in USA) of frequency electricity. This method creates a obstruction for those who using electricity illegally by tapping from LT lines and bypassing energy meters. They cannot use 50 Hz (60 Hz in USA) of supply. For illegal people, consumed electrical frequency will be in the range of 8 to 10 Hz. II. METHODOLOGY In this system the frequency variation will take place in the distribution end. In existing system frequency is remain same throughout the system. In proposed system frequency will vary from distribution transformers, pole mounted output terminals and consumer end. In between distribution transformer and pole mounted output and consumer end frequency will keep 8 to 10 Hz range. The frequency will step down to 8 to 10 Hz range from 50 Hz at distribution transformer or pole mounted substations output terminal by stepped down Cycloconverter. And in the consumer premises consumers electricity energy meter will contain a step up Cycloconverter, which step up the frequency 50 Hz range from 8 to 10 Hz range. The all Cycloconverters (step down Cycloconverter and step up cycloconverter) must be kept in sealed enclosure. The step down cycloconverter should be installed just attached to the distribution transformers secondary side bushing, and totally covered by sealed enclosure. And the step up cycloconverter should be kept in the energy meter. So those, who are not legal persons tapped or using electricity by bypassing energy meters will using 8 to 10 Hz of frequency. The effect of 8 to 10 Hz range frequency electricity energy to the load will be discussed in this paper.

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