
We report measurements of self- and nitrogen-pressure broadening of the P(11) line in the ν 1 + ν 3 combination band of acetylene at 195 739.649 5135(80) GHz by absorption of radiation emitted by an extended cavity diode laser referenced to a femtosecond frequency comb. Broadening, shift and narrowing parameters were determined at 296 K. For the most appropriate, hard collision, model in units of cm −1/atm, we find 0.146317(27), 0.047271(104) and −0.0070819(22) for the acetylene self-broadening, narrowing and shift, and 0.081129(35), 0.022940(74) and −0.0088913(25) respectively, for the nitrogen-broadening parameters. The uncertainties are expressed as one standard deviation (in parenthesis) in units of the last digit reported. These parameters are 2–3 orders of magnitude more precise than those reported in previous measurements. Similar analyses of the experimental data using soft collision and simple Voigt lineshape models were made for comparison.

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