
Diffuse coronary atherosclerosis is the substrate for plaque rupture and coronary events. Therefore, in patients with mild arteriographic coronary artery disease without significant segmental dipyridamole-induced myocardial perfusion defects, we tested the hypothesis that fluid dynamically significant diffuse coronary artery narrowing is frequently manifest as a graded, longitudinal, base-to-apex myocardial perfusion abnormality by noninvasive PET. In this study, 1001 patients with documented coronary artery disease by coronary arteriography showing any visible coronary artery narrowing underwent rest-dipyridamole PET perfusion imaging. Quantitative severity of dipyridamole-induced, circumscribed, segmental PET perfusion defects was objectively measured by automated software as the minimum quadrant average relative activity indicating localized flow limiting stenoses. Quantitative severity of the graded, longitudinal, base-to-apex myocardial perfusion gradient indicating fluid dynamic effects of diffuse coronary artery narrowing was objectively measured by automated software as the spatial slope of relative activity along the cardiac longitudinal axis. In patients with mild arteriographic disease without statistically significant dipyridamole-induced segmental myocardial perfusion defects caused by flow-limiting stenoses compared with normal control subjects, there was a graded, longitudinal, base-to-apex myocardial perfusion gradient significantly different from normal control subjects (P=0. 001) that was also observed for moderate to severe dipyridamole-induced segmental perfusion defects (P=0.0001), indicating diffuse disease underlying segmental perfusion defects; 43% of patients with or without segmental perfusion defects demonstrated graded, longitudinal, base-to-apex perfusion abnormalities beyond +/-2 SD of normal control subjects, indicating diffuse coronary arterial narrowing by noninvasive PET perfusion imaging.

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