
Electro-optic dual-comb spectrometers have proved to be a promising technology for sensitive, high-resolution and rapid spectral measurements. Electro-optic combs possess very attractive features like simplicity, reliability, bright optical teeth, and typically moderate but quickly tunable optical spans. Furthermore, in a dual-comb arrangement, narrowband electro-optic combs are generated with a level of mutual coherence that is sufficiently high to enable optical multiheterodyning without inter-comb stabilization or signal processing systems. However, this valuable tool still presents several limitations; for instance, on most systems, absolute frequency accuracy and long-term stability cannot be guaranteed; likewise, interferometer-induced phase noise restricts coherence time and limits the attainable signal-to-noise ratio. In this paper, we address these drawbacks and demonstrate a cost-efficient absolute electro-optic dual-comb instrument based on a frequency stabilization mechanism and a novel adaptive interferogram acquisition approach devised for electro-optic dual-combs capable of operating in real-time. The spectrometer, completely built from commercial components, provides sub-ppm frequency uncertainties and enables a signal-to-noise ratio of 10000 (intensity noise) in 30 seconds of integration time.

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