
Introduction Acknowledgements Abbreviations Principal dates Part I. The Reign of the Parties: 1. The balance-sheet of the Fourth Republic (1958) 2. De Gaulle frustrated (the 1951 election) 3. Antoine Pinay and the revenge of the Right (1952) 4. Pierre Mendes-France and the revolt against conservatism (1953) 5. An old Parliament and a new majority? (1954) 6. 'Throw the rascals out!' (the 1956 election) 7. Political compromise on Seine and Potomac (1957) 8. Provincial, pressure-group and presidential politics (1959) Part II. The Algerian Settlement and the New Regime: 9. The fall of the Fourth Republic (1958) 10. A new political world (the 1958 referendum and election) Martin Harrison 11. Algerian self-determination (the 1961 referendum) 12. Algerian independence (the April 1962 referendum) Martin Harrison 13. The General triumphs (the autumn 1962 referendum and election) Part III. The Tribulations of the Left: 14. Cautionary tale for Socialists (1960) 15. The Republican collapse (1958) 16. First signs of recovery (1961) 17. De Gaulle's challenger: Gaston Defferre (1964) 18. The Communist riposte (1965) Part IV. The Struggle for the Succession: 19. Party, presidency and parish pump (the 1965 municipal elections) 20. The rivals emerge (the 1965 presidential election) 21. A precarious majority (the 1967 election) David Goldey 22. Change in the Conservative west (the 1967 election in a region) David Goldey 23. A precarious regime: the events of May 1968 David Goldey 24. The party of fear: the election of June 1968 David Goldey 25. Gaullism without de Gaulle? The 1969 referendum and presidential election Index Maps 1-21 Tables 1-22.

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